This is a modification to Flight Simulator 2002 Standard and Professional.
This *.cfg file needs to be placed into your Aircraft folder in your
FS2002 folder. Although it has never been tested this file might work in
FS2004 and earlier versions.

This file adds 335 airlines to your list in selecting your callsign! Most
the airlines on the list are real and some are not. The FS2002 defalt airlines
(Landmark, Orbit, Soar, etc.) are still on the file and can be used. The ATC
might not say the full name of your airline just numbers or letter like in an
abreviation. This is normal, the game cannot interprate new names unless the
word in the name are on the games database.

I spent many hours going over the net looking for all these airlines. Hope you
enjoy them.

Created by: jethawk22