Ed Zim's SU-27 Flanker cockpit

1024x768 res, Beta Version 1.03

Important: These graphic files are allowed to be distributed, reproduced, copied and/or modified
without or with the permission of the author of these graphic files.

Developed for the Superpak exe.
This version is still betamaterial and is being tested and developed constantly.

********** Installation Instructions**************


1. Make a new folder in the art/ckptart folder and name it 1605
2. Unzip the contents of SU27.zip into the 1605 folder
3. Use 1024 resolution
4. Select a SU-27 to fly

1. Download the reflections from www.cockpits.nl
1. Save your Falcon4/terrdata/objects file first
4. Open skineditor v2 and apply the reflections
3. FLy the SU-27