DIY cockpit controls version 1.0
Author: Roland van Roy

Can be used with any PC flight simulator.
Optimized for Flight Unlimited III

This document is presented as freeware.
Do not change the content of this document except for personal purpose.
Do not use or distribute on a commercial basis.

Contents: DYI cockpit controls.doc
(Word document, Office 97 or higher, formatted for A4 paper size)

DIY cockpit controls is a Word document that describes how to
build your own light aircraft cockpit controls, and how to connect
to a PC.
The controls included: Yoke, throttle, prop, mixture,gear, flaps,
parking brake, speedbrake, elevator and rudder trim wheel, various
switches. There is also a section on how to add tactile transducers.
The document has all details on the mechanics and electronics
A tutorial is included for those not familiar with connecting
external electronics to your gameport and keyboard. The setup is
written for use with Flight Unlimited III, but with some slight
modifications it can be use with any flight simulator program.

Installation: Unzip into new folder, open with MS Word.
Do not change the text / page formatting as it will mess up the drawings

DIY Tactile transducer design based on idea of Chad Gray
FUIII screen shot by John Lewis (Glidernut)