-- Photoreal clouds texture file for MSFS--
- By Dr.Michitaka SUZUKI -

This file is the new version of clouds.r8 texture for all kinds of cloud texture and
stormy.r8 for cumulonimbus cloud. I created a clouds texture "clouds.r8" and "stormy.r8" based on my real clouds photo. Automatically, FS98 creates two clouds textures, named cloud1.r8 and cloud2.r8, based on clouds.r8 texture, so if you install my clouds.r8 texture on your FS98, you can see the real look of clouds on your flight. You will have the best results by using a 3dfx card.

--- History ---
Mar.30,1999 Ver.1.0(clouds.zip) was uploaded on SurClaro site.
Ver1.0 can be downloaded from SurClaro web site (http://www.SurClaro/).
Apr.8, 1999 Ver.1.1 clouds.r8 textures was changed to create the more realistic clouds.
Apr.23, 1999 Ver.1.2 stormy.r8 texture for cumulonimbus was added.
Ver1.2 can be downloaded from vector web site in Japan (http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/win95/game/se102343.html)
May.28, 1999 Ver.1.3 clouds.r8 and stormy.r8 textures were replaced to new version
Oct.19, 1999 Ver1.4 clouds.r8 textuture was replaced to new version based on my aerial photo.

-- Installation --
Using Winzip(http://www.winzip.com/), unzip newcloud.zip file in a temporary folder and obtain these 5 files.

clouds.jpg-----sample picture of clouds using my texture
clouds.r8------cloud texture
stormy.r8------cumulonimbus texture
textur98.txt----Japanese read me file
readme.txt-----English read me file

Just move clouds.r8 and stormy.r8 file from the temporary folder to the texture directory of your FS98 path.
(If you want, make a backup copy first of the original files. Don't move the original clouds.r8 and stormy.r8 textures to other folder, FS98 searchs these files and you can not see my clouds textures on your flight. I recommend you to rename the original textures like clouds.bak and stormy.bak.).
That's all and I hope you'll enjoy to fly with the realistic clouds.
Select world, weather, clouds menu in FS98, create a new cloud layer, you can see my photo realistic clouds. If you add layer and select cumulonimbus on the cloud type menu, you can see cumulonimbus too on your flight.
I recommend you to create two cloud layers for more realistic flight.
Also, I recommend you to install Blue Sky utility (bluesk21.zip) to change the default FS98 sky
colour from purple to blue, by Iain Murray.
I am waiting your comments about my textures by E-mail.

--- Copyright ---
All of these textures are freewares, but must be distributed and/or copied for private or non-commercial use only!. Auther has no responsibility on any damage which might be caused by installation of the texture files.

I uploaded other texture like watereef.zip, grass.zip, broad.zip on SurClaro site.
New version of my textures will be uploaded on my homepage named 'Textures for MS Flight Simulator'.