
BERMUDA - Version 3.1

designed by Marcel Ritzema

for FS2000

This a update version to let my Bermuda scenery to work with FS2000.
The original scenery for FS98 had some strange problems which stood
in the way of a easy conversion to let the scenery display correctly
in FS2000.

One of the things i has to remove are the taxilines, also there
are still some minor displaying problems at the terminal.

Besides that this versions is as detailed as my scenery for
FS98. (Marcel 4/2001)

Bermuda is a archipelago consisting of 140 islands, legends say 365
islands, one for every day of the year. Most of these islands are small and
uninhabited. The majority of the 60,000 people of Bermuda live on four
islands: the main island, Somerset, St. David's and St. George's islands.
The capital Hamilton is on the main island.

Since Bermuda lies near the path of the Gulf Stream the climate is a
temperate semi-tropical one. The summer temp averages are around 29øC
usually with a high humidity, despite cool evening breezes. In the winter
the temp drops to around 15-18øC, including strong cold Atlantic winds.
Fog is rare, while ice was last recorded on X-mas Eve 1840.

Bermuda's only airport is on land created by the US military at the
beginning of the second world war. The US Navy operated the airport until
September 1995. The airport was known as Bermuda NAS (Kindley Field) and
was renamed The Bermuda International Airport after the US Navy left.

This version of my Bermuda scenery also includes a special TCA building.
TCA is a virtual airline for which I fly, for more info see the addresses
above. At the terminal are marshals to guide you on your way to the


read-1st.txt you're reading it

ber-info.txt info on airport
berm_v3.gif picture of the airport layout

ber-iap.zip zip-file containing Bermuda approach-plates
for use with "Final Approach"

*.* scenery files

*.* textures files


* If you have a previous version of my Bermuda-scenery installed,
* remove all related files first.

1a. Unzip these files to a temporary subdirectory and...
1b. create a new scenery folder/dir with the subfolders "scenery" & "texture"
2. copy *.bgl to ..\new\scenery
3. copy *.r8, *.car, *.0af & *.oav to ..\new\texture
4. add this new scenery folder in the scenery libary.
(if you don't know how to do that please refer to the help-files of FS2000).

After this you have to add two line to the scenery.cfg file at the area
which you created under step 4:

The complete entry should look something like this:

* In FS2000 you can now find the Bermuda Airport under the
* "scenery for FS95 and before" section.

THANKS (This scenery would not have been possible without):
Manfred Moldenhauer (SCASM 1.70)
Virtuel Pilots of France (Airport V1.23b)
Enrico Schiratti (Schiratti Commander)
Rus Phillips (maker of FS4 bermuda scenery)
Rainer Labie (President of TCA)

And all the people who gave me feedback on my scenery especially
Mike Giddens and above all, Ed Kelly who lives at Bermuda and who
supplied me with lots and lots of info, THANKS AGAIN! :-)

Have fun,

Marcel Ritzema
E-mail: mgritz@wxs.nl
Homepage: http://home.wxs.nl~mgritz/index.html

1. These files are for free use and enjoyment of all MSFS fans and can
be distributed free of charge to any BBS or FTP provided all files
that come with it are present in their original form and no money
is made with it.

2. The files should not be altered and cannot be incorporated into other
shareware or freeware programs or published on any electronic or mechanic
media anywhere in the world without my written permission, except like
stated at remark 1.


There is NO warranty, guarantee of any kind and I am not liable for any
problems on hardware or software you may encounter while using this file.
You use this software at your own risk.