QSH9_13 === Québec Short Hops for FS9
Saint-Siméon === CLL4

Saint-Siméon, part of Québec Short Hops sits on the banks of the St. Lawrence River, downstream from Québec City.

The village is situated directly across the St.Lawrence River from Rivière-du-Loup. It has the docking facilities for the ferry that goes to Rivière-du-Loup. To help navigation, I have added a beam on top of the ferry dock. My rendition of the village is fictitious.

On top of the cliff is the small grass strip. I invented this airfield. It is lit with kerosene torches,laid and lit by hand whenever one wants to fly at night(mine were hand laid also as you will notice). I have seen this done many years ago.

The torches, commonly referred to as pigs, are round steel black balls with a wick on top and kerosene is poured in as fuel. They were used to warn of road construction hazards.


Québec Short Hop sceneries are aimed at making VFR flying in Québec most pleasant and attractive as I can make it. So far, for FS9, I have created a few sceneries along the St.Lawrence river. These sites are close enough so you can hop from one to the other using the lighthouses and other aids I included.

I also have made other sceneries for the Beauce and the Montréal regions. Please refer to the attached maps for a complete list and locations.

The Beauce region is a nice path to choose to make your way from the US to the center of Québec and the St.Lawrence river.

You can upload any of the sceneries shown on the maps if you make a search at either AvSim of FlighSim.com and search for author Leon Louis.


I wish to thank John de Langristin for the old car base I used to make my red one and also the macros of a few buildings in the village. Thanks also to Tom Fica for his nice trucks,his old fuel barrels and nice T-hangar. I thank Robert Palmer for his trees and Arno Gerretsen for the macros of the autogens. I thank also Michael Rodriguez for the wood fence. I thank Jim Jackson of Northern Exposure for his flame (that I used to put fire in the barrel) and also his picnic table. Tony Adams and Jorge Pagano also made some house macros, thanks guys.

Very important, I owe lots to Tom Constantine who is making the afcads and traffic to link all the fields in Québec Short Hops. These will be issued as they are ready.

Tom also tests my sceneries as does Jerry Kemp. This work is very important and I am most grateful for their help. With this scenery, I am glad to add the name of Yves Trépanier as a tester, thanks Yves.

I must not forget Tom Hiscox and Brian McWilliams for the program "Airport for Windows" and also Matthias Brückner for the program EOD which I used to make my macros. I thank also Martin Wright for the program DXT.

I hope I did not forget anyone. If so, I am deeply sorry and please send me a note.


This scenery has been tested and nothing herein should damage your computer or its contents. However, should you use these files, you do so at your own risk.

These files cannot be posted for download on any site asking for money for downloads or where you have to be a paying member to download. Also, nothing contained herein can be used on any file or download where money is exchanged in anyway.

I do not make money with these files nor should anyone else.



I M P O R T A N T Should you have installed a previous version of this scenery, you MUST remove it before installing this newer one. (usually if it is installed within Quebec Short Hops folder, you can do this easily by deleting the xxxx.bgl file from the scenery folder). Do not worry about removing the textures as most of them are the same.

If you do not have a Quebec Short Hops folder "Quebec SH9" where you usually install your sceneries, you must make one and make also one subfolder named scenery and another named texture.

You should then have:

xxxxxxx/Quebec SH9/scenery

As many of my textures are repeated from one scene to the other, this will use lot less room on your hard drive.

During installation overwrite when prompted to do so.

Place the CONTENTS ONLY of the scenery folder in the above scenery folder you created.

Then, do the same with the CONTENTS ONLY of the texture folder to go into the texture folder.

Place the CONTENTS ONLY of the addon_scenery folder (if any is included with the download) into:

xxxxxxx/Flight Simulator 9/Addon Scenery/Scenery

Place the CONTENTS ONLY of the effects folder (if any is included with the download) in the Effects folder of your Flight Simulator.

You need to activate Quebec SH9 in the scenery library if not already done.

That is all.

Restart Flight Simulator and welcome to "La Belle Province"

Thank you

Enjoy your visit

Léon Louis


Should you have any problem with this scenery, please visit my web site BEFORE mailing me to see if I did not post a solution or some sort of excuse. The link is:


If there is nothing there, please mail me at:


Thank you and enjoy your visit,

Léon Louis