Bastia Poretta airport( Corsica. France) for FS2002
By Christian Santoni

For further informations on the airport visit the site(

Bastia Poretta is one of the two most important airports of Corsica with Ajaccio Campo Dell'Oro.

I tried to design the main passenger terminal as accurate as possible as well as Saint Exupery aéro-club( The famous French airman took off from Bastia for his last and tragical flight)and the tower with the meteo building. But I had to imagin the smaller details as I have never been to the airport myself and I didn't have much documents about it. Although, Ithink it might look like this.

You must install Thierry Pignot's mesh of Corsica. It is freeware and you will find it on his site(
You must also have installed Gerrish Gray's trees librairies(trees_v3). You can download it from SurClaro and avsim online.

Unzip and install as you usually do.
You can either create a new folder(Poretta for example) including the sub folders SCENERY and TEXTURE and activate through FS library or you can put all scenery files(.bgl) in FS2002/SCENERY and all texture files(.bmp, .r8) in FS2002/TEXTURE.

To go to the airport just type ICAO code LFKB and there you are!


Many thanks to Thierry Pignot for his great mesh of Corsica and to Gerrish Gray for his very realistic trees.

Thanks to Jean de Langristin for his macros, textures and for all the good advices he provided me on FSDS

Special thanks to my fellow corsicans Gérard and Alexandre as well as Rémy, Marc and Antoine for their patient tests and advices. Believe me, these guys know what real flight is!

If you enjoy flying around Corsica you must visit Gérard's site
( and his special page Virtual Cors'air and Marc and Rémy's
You will find there lots of add ons about Corsica as well as aircrafts.
You will find also Alexandre Cadel's city of Bastia to go with the airport.

Many thanks to all of you

Christian Santoni