FS2004 PickUp
Orig by Dave ('Big D') at daveanjackie@netzero.com.
Mods to cfg and air file by C. Backus ('napamule'). 06Jan27.

This ac is just loaded with features (not apparent by it's 'looks'). It has
turning wheels, headlight, nice panel with all the gauges you need. Hey,
BACK IT UP! (No, not you-the truck -heehee) IT HAS REVERSE!!
HOLD down F2 (3-4 Seconds). When you hit F1 it has 'spool' torque left
over, and may 'leap' forward, so hold the brakes. The brakes is another
thing that is GREAT about this model. Slows down quick! And there is
another 'feature': Differential Braking. Simply, if you give it rudder (twist
joy) AND brake, it will make turns easier, IF you do it at less than 40 kts.
Did I mention that the front wheels turn? Neat looking, and no 'effects'
needed, either. It's 'built in'. It's an 'oldie-but-goodie', and still 'kicking'!

Throttle has a slight 'delay', but if you hit F4, until it starts going 30 kts,
then hit F1, you can then give it some throttle to maintain the speed you
want. (It has to 'break' the FS 'gravity' first (ha!)) then it smooths out.)

Dave 'fixed' the wheels to where it takes 'bumps' well, although it does
slow down AUTOMATICALLY for 'bumps', so, keep the trottle the same,
wait, and it will 'recover' and you'll be back to 'original' speed fairly quick.
(If you can call 55 kts 'quick'. Please read 'speed' comments below.)

Oh, TURN CRASH DETECTION 'OFF', as there are a lot of obstructions
'on the ground' in FS, some underground, that you won't even see. You
don't want to 'crash' and go back to your starting point, 100 miles back,
and have to start over. And if in FS9.cfg you have 'vertex_levels' at 22
or 21, change it down to 19, as that will 'smooth' out the 'sharpness' of
the terrain (like bumps, and ditches). It won't affect your texture much, if
at all, and FS9 might even 'paint' texture 'up ahead' a lot faster.

SPEED: max is 160 kts (tops!). Cruise is 65 kts (70?- to stay with traffic?)
And when 'off road' (anywhere but asphalt or cement runways), it will only
do 55-60 kts, which is best, anyway. (Sorry, I think it's built into model!).
Truck only flipped ONCE in 3 days of driving all over the place, so it's a
very stable vehicle. It will 'grow' on you, too. (Nice job Dave!) Enjoy.

Remember: this is freeware, but copyrighted material, so don't do any
thing foolish (and illegal) by trying to make money with it. Copyrighted
material / files belong to Dave ('Big D'), daveanjackie@netzero.com'.