FS2004 Boeing 737-300 Analogue Panel - Copyright 2004 Paul Scarratt


This document covers the installation procedure for this FS2004 Boeing 737-300 panel. I hope you enjoy the panel but if you have any problems/suggestions/wishes please let me know at paul.scarratt@pandcnet.org


1. Copy PS737.cab to your main gauges folder. (Normally c:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/FS9/Gauges).

2. Copy the panel folder to the aircraft you wish to use it with and overwrite the current files. (Take a backup first!!)

3. Enjoy!


This panel is released as freeware, copyright Paul Scarratt. You are permitted to distribute the archive subject to the following conditions:-

- The archive must be distributed as is without modification of any kind.

- The inclusion of individual files from this archive into another is prohibited without first obtaining permission from the author.

- No fee can be charged for this archive under any circumstances.

Copyright 2004 Paul Scarratt. All Rights Reserved.