Revised A300 Flight Dynamics

By Malcolm Kenworthy

This set of flight dynamics fixes some problems that I have found with the original flight dynamics by Patrick Saint-Dizier.

The corrected features include:
Flap cycle time was increased
Gear cycle time was increased
Smoke system was added
The winglets were enabled
Engine thrust was increased to simulate General Electric CF6-80C2A5 turbofans

To install these dynamics, just copy them into the folder of the A300-600 of your choice and overwrite when prompted.

These flight dynamics are FREEWARE and may be edited with the permission of myself.

The original flight dynamics are copyright of Patrick Saint-Dizier, and this update is copyright of Malcolm Kenworthy.

This is my first attempt at flight dynamics, so please contact me and tell me whether you like them. I will listen to any complaints.

Thank you
Malcolm Kenworthy

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