Extra 300 Replacement Sounds for FS2000 by Aaron R. Swindle
Replaces the fourth sound file interior and exterior. Also
a new wind wav for more realism during dives and climbs.
Adds a throat bass to the 300 overall sound. I heard this
aircraft perform at Oshkosh, trust me...its loud!

The soundwork herein is the sole property of the above mentioned Author.
Soundwork is covered under all plausable amended U.S. and Foreign copyright laws.
No re-distibution without my prior written and or verbal permission.
On file with the U.S. Library of Congress Audio Archives in Washington D.C.
Applies to all previous and future works of the original author/Aaron R. Swindle.

Thank you for D/L my work,

Installation: **BACKUP your Extra-300 sound files first!!
Unzip the new files to the Extra-300 sound sub-dir
in FS2000.
Place the two Chelan files in the "Pilots" sub-dir
in FS2000. Thats it....hit the starter for the new