EDDMFS2004 version 1.0 - Munich scenerie for FS2004
Made with SceneGenX 1.0 build 54 + Airport for Windows (www.airportforwindows.com)
3D-objects made with FSDesignStudio2 + Gmax

Version 1.0 is based on the actual groundlayout of EDDM. It should be compatible with GAP1.

- AI aircraft are working only from Terminal 1.
- The textures (espacially the night textures) may be improvable but as i am no "artist" i won´t be able to provide better ones.

Just unzip the file. For example to FS9\Addon Scenery.
Start FS and under Settings\Scenery library choose Add and select the directory in which you unzipped MUNICHFS2004.
Copy whitebeacon.fx into the FS9\Effects folder and the actigate.dll into your FS9\Modules folder.
Restart FS2004 and the scenery should work.

For support and user license of the ActiGate module read the contained ActiGate.pdf

This scenery is freeware and must not be part of any payware.

Special thanks:

Edgar "Eddy" Lindner

Arno Gerretsen for providing the docking systems and having an answer to all my questions all the time.

All users of www.scenerydesign.org" who answered patiently my questions and took therefore part for finishing this scenery.

Copyright 2006 Heiko Futterer
