FS2002 Mitsubishi Mu-2 Marquise

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' solution for
a turboprop with high cruise speed and
short, rough-field capability.Though dogged
by a high accident rate, the Mu-2 remains a
beautifully unique aircraft with excellent
performance. Features a gmax model with full
moving parts, reflect map, 3 different
variations, basic virtual
cockpit and cabin. Includes a blank
texture in PSD format for repainting.
Model and textures by Björn Büchner
Flight dynamics by Al Lynch Jr.

The aircraft requires the default King Air 350 panel and sounds.


Unzip Mu-2B.zip in your AIRCRAFT folder of FS2002.

Known Issues

The Mu-2 features 32-bit textures. These might prove incompatible with your graphics card,
resulting in a completely black aircraft. A solution to this would be to use "DXTBMP.exe"
or "imagetool.exe" to convert the textures to 16-bit textures.

Some people have reported flashing textures. At the moment, I am uncertain as to what the cause might be.


This aircraft is FREEWARE. It is provided "as is" and the authors are not liable for any
damage it may cause. This aircraft was created by aviation enthusiatists and not aeronautical engineers so inaccuracies are to be expected.

Repainting is freely allowed (and encouraged!) No permission is required.

Should you feels that you have something to contribute to the flight dynamics etc., please do so. The Mu-2 is not perfect and there is a lot that can be improved upon.

Thanks for downloading this aircraft

Björn Büchner
October 2002