Copyright and Distribution

This tool (called "Mission-Control" or short "MC") is released as
Freeware. Copyright Hans-Peter Jacobs.

As freeware you are permitted to distribute this
archive subject to the following conditions,

- No charge may be made for this archive other than that to cover the
cost of its distribution. If a fee is charged it must be made clear
to the purchaser that the archive is freeware and that the fee is to
cover the distributor's costs of providing the archive.

- If you plan to include parts of (or the entire) archive into another
archive or release, you must clearly point out, that the work is not
yours. You have to include this copyright-statement.
And please contact the author, I would like to keep track of the
If you put result and output of the archive's executables into another
archive, you are free to include necessary artwork (i.e. icons) from
this archive.

- The output of MC may be used in *any* way, its free, its yours.

- The authors' rights and wishes concerning this archive must be

- The author cannot be responsible, in any way, for any problems
occurring from the use of this software.

Copyright 2002 by Hans-Peter Jacobs. All Rights Reserved.