Title : Maun International Botswana
Author : Frits Beyer and Jacques Botha
Support : jbot6902@gmail.com

Description : Maun International is the main airport that take people up into the Okavango Delta.The airport only operates from 06:00 to 18:00.The hole airport is custom build.
FSX Acceleration will give the best results.(Also SP2 compatable).
Acceleration users will have more eye candy !

Size on disk : 14.8 Mb

Instructions : Windows 7 users follow the following instructions:

1.Unzip "Maun.zip" to a temp folder.

2.Copy the "Maun Airport(FBMN)" folder to your "FSX/scenery" folder.

3.Copy the "AFX_FBMN_ALT.bgl" file to your "FSX/scenery/world/scenery" folder and effects to the effects folder.

4.Run FSX

5.On the main page go to "settings"

6.Now click on "scenery library"

7.Now click on "Add area" and search for the scenery folder.

8.Double click on the scenery folder and look for the"Maun Airport(FBMN)" folder.

9.Double click on this folder and then you shall see a texture and a scenery folder.Click on the white area outside the two

10.The scenery will now load !

11.Go to free flight and choose "FBMN" to start your flight !

Windows Vista and XP users :

1.Unzip "Maun.zip" to a temp folder.

2.Copy the "Maun Airport(FBMN)" folder to your "FSX/scenery" folder.

3.Copy the "AFX_FBMN_ALT.bgl" file to your "FSX/scenery/world/scenery" folder and effects to the effects folder.

4.Run FSX

5.On the main page go to "settings"

6.Now click on "scenery library"

7.Now click on "Add area" and search for the scenery folder.

8.Double click on the scenery folder and look for the"Maun Airport(FBMN)" folder.

9.NB !!!!!! click on this folder only once ! and then click on "OK"

10.The scenery will now load !

11.Go to free flight and choose FBMN to start your flight !

Enjoy ! For more FSX and FS9 South African scenery go to http://sites.google.com/site/triengtriengscenery/ .
also see www.nmgtrading.co.za
Join us online at www.flightonline.co.za for some online flying !