Welcome to Rum Cay Regional Airport (MYEO)

Designed by: Todd Lucas (vaavi8r@cs.com)
Utility: Flight Simulator Scenery Creator by Derek Leung

Installation: Just zip directly to your FS2002 or FS9 scenery folder, go to "ADD SCENERY" and that's it!

NOTAM: If you have the previous version of MYEO installed, you will need to completely remove that file prior to installation.

This scenery utilizes Garrish Grays trees. If you do not have this file installed, please look for the TMACFS9 file located at www.margaritaair.com

Description: Rum Cay Regional Airport is a joint effort of the Margarita Air Club and Carnival Virtual
Airlines. Both organizations share this base as a central transfer point between the two organizations.
The Margarita Air Club has a corporate satellite office located on the airfield with a jetway that can handle
up to 737-400's. Carnival Virtual also has use of this jetway for transfer of passengers between Carnival flights
from Miami and Nassau to Margarita Air flight throughout the Caribbean.

Rum Cay includes a 4500' coral asphalt runway with ILS to Runway 3. There is a full maintenance facility, FBO,
and floatplane ramp for Carnival SeaHopper and Margarita Air flights.

Enjoy this scenery. Feel free to modify and enhance as you like, but please share any modifications with the
designer by email to vaavi8r@cs.com.

Todd Lucas