The NEW Chicago Midway Airport
Version 1.0a for FS2002
By Rob Diebold
October 12th, 2002
(Please turn Word-Wrap on)


Chicago is Flight Simulator country. After all, when you install MS Flight Simulator (from 5.1 on through 2002), it starts up at Meigs Field. MS saw fit to do a reasonable rendering of O'Hare, but Midway was left alone. It's better than it was in past FS versions, but still not completely up to snuff. So, I took it upon myself to make some changes.

This scenery does not exclude the entire airport, just the terminal buildings. I had to use multiple exclude files to remove the buildings selectively without removing any taxiway or runway textures. I think it worked out pretty well.

It had always been my intention to do a version of the "new" Midway, but I just could not find many photos or anything to suit my liking (and the ones from the Midway webcam site were not clear enough and did not show what I wanted to see, which is the OTHER side of the concourses). So I did the best I could where I could, and I think it came out pretty close. Those who know, though, can send me pictures so I can update it as neccessary.

What you will need

FS2002 is required (obviously). This scenery utilizes the updated textures from FS2002, and so I can not say that it'll work at all in previous versions.

You must also install the Nova Gold textures (available at AVSIM or SurClaro) to your main FS texture directory, and have the Nova Library (NovaLib1.bgl) in your main FS scenery directory.

To use the AFCAD file included with this scenery, you'll need AFCAD 1.2 or higher by Lee Swordy


This scenery is very simple to install and use. The BEST method for
installing this scenery is:

1) Make sure you have disabled or removed ALL previous or other
Midway sceneries to prevent conflicts.
2) Unzip the downloaded scenery file. Everything should fall into its respective folders.
3) Move the NovaLib1.bgl to your main FS scenery folder.
4) Move the MDW folder containing the into your FS2002 ADDON SCENERY folder, or any other folder of your choosing.
5) Fire up Flight Sim, and go into the World/Scenery Library section.
6) Click on the ADD button, and add MDW to your scenery list.
7) Fly and enjoy!

To install the AFCAD file (KMDW1.txt), please read the directions for AFCAD, and install as directed.

What you'll see

I've included the new concourses, and a representation of the terminal and parking garage. These may not be the "best" representations, but they'll do until someone sends me better pictures. I've included most of the gates, although I left a few out where needed to allow for better AI traffic flow.

And for all you AI traffic junkies (like me), I've done away with the static aircraft. As you can see from the included pictures, I have a ton of AI a/c now. I start out with a lot of ATA, and then they leave and Southwest takes over. It's pretty amazing.

A word of caution...

There may be a few bumpy patches which I was unable to completely flatten out. I used flatten commands and the "invisible runway" option in Airport 2.60, but each time I would end up losing tarmac and taxiways, so I left it out. I did try to "harden" the apron a little bit using Airport, but there are still a few "gaps" that end up biting you. I'll be looking at a fix when I get the opportunity.


Pascal Meziat, Tom Hiscox, Brian McWilliams - Airport 2.60
Manfred Moldenhauer - SCASM
Rafael Garcia Sanchez - Nova Library and textures
Lee Swordy - AFCAD, TTools, etc.

The FS Community - for just being you.

Any questions or comments, please e-mail me:

Legal Stuff and Disclaimer

This scenery (and all the tools used to create it) is FREEWARE, and as such can not be distributed or packaged with any payware or shareware add-on, or uploaded to any server that charges a fee for downloading files. These files work fine on my system, but they may not necessarily work the same way on yours. The author can not be held responsible if your system goes "POOF" while you are using this scenery (not that it will).


Rob Diebold
Auckland, NZ
Formerly of Downers Grove, IL, right at the pattern crossroads of O'Hare and Midway