Flight Simulator 2002 McDonnell Douglas MD-11F Eva Air

Model by FSPainter www.fspainter.projectai.com/index.html
Repaint by Alejandro Hurtado

The MD-11 is the last version of the well know DC-10, with longer body and heavy weights. Mc Donnell Douglas made 192 in 14 years.
It has three versions, passengers, freighter and combi. Eva Air (Sud Corea) has nine MD-11F and two passenger MD-11.

My first intencion was to make a MD-11 of City Bird, but I found the planes of City Bird Virtual Airline and, sincerly, they are very good. So I donwloaded csimd11_ctb.zip for my own and began to make this from other sources. I send two mails to fspainter requesting permision to use this model, but I had no response. So I asume everybody can repaint, giving the proper acknoweledge.

My previous repaints are:

Ju52mlka: Ju-52 owned by Milka chocolats company, in flying state
b727ah1: Green and yellow Braniff's 727
b727ah2: 727 flow by Viasa when was bought by Iberia
b727ah3: Braniff 727 painted by Alexander Calder
b727ah4: One of the first 727 flow by Kulula.com

A last remark: Why don't become a repainter? There are a lot of planes with special markings. I'm tired of the usual F-16 low-vis scheme, or the usual Delta 757 markings. Why don't a Tornado Tiger Meet or a serie of Easy Jet's 737s? The plane modelers are very important, but they can't make all the painting schemes by himselfs. So why don't help they?


Just unzip md11ah5.zip in your "Aircraft" folder of FS2002 and that's all.

If you like this, or any observation, send me a mail to dracosist@cantv.net