1. Description

This upgrade adds several sights which Microsoft left out. In addition to that this version fixes the River Thames bug of the default FS2000 scenery. London 2000 includes the following objects:

Piccadilly Circus
Regent Street
Covent Garden
Marble Arch
Wellington Arch
Natural History Museum
Kew Gardens

2. Requirements

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000

3. Installation Procedure

To install this add-on simply unzip all folders into your FS2000 scenery directory and paste the
following lines at the end of the SCENERY.CFG file (which is located in your FS2000 main

Flatten.0=56,N51 29.14,W0 13.31,N51 29.14,W0 12.14,N51 28.30,W0 12.14,N51 28.30,W0 13.31
Flatten.1=64,N51 28.53,W0 15.92,N51 28.53,W0 14.67,N51 28.17,W0 14.67,N51 28.17,W0 15.92
Flatten.2=20,N51 28.20,W0 11.39,N51 28.20,W0 10.17,N51 27.91,W0 10.17,N51 27.91,W0 11.39

Please replace "**" with the appropriate layer number. If the previous scenery.cfg file entry has
got layer 72 for instance Roslyn requires number 73. Please note that due to a bug of the original
version of FS2000 reinitialising the scenery library within the program will erase the flatten
commands. So better do not do it.

4. History

London 1.00 - 15.08.98
London 1.10 - 20.08.98
London 2000 - 05.11.99

5. Credits

All custom objects were compiled with Scasm 2.0 (Scasm 2.0 (c) by Manfred Moldenhauer).
All objects were arranged with Airport 2.02 (Airport 2.x (c) by Pascal Meziat and Brian

6. Disclaimer

Do not distribute this scenery by any means or in any form without the written permission of
Reiffer Bros.. Webmasters of free internet sites are allowed to upload this file without our
explicite and written permission but we would be grateful if they inform us about it. This scenery
must not be included in commercial compilations. There is no warranty of fitness. You are using
this software at your own risk. You are not allowed to alter, to decompile or to remove any file.

7. Internet Resources

This scenery is available from the Reiffer Bros. Homepage at http://www.reiffer.de/flightsim/
Possible future upgrades will be made available there.

If you are interested in the city of London feel free to visit these excellent internet sites:
London-Heathrow, London Online, London Transport Museum, London, England, Natural
Maritime Museum, Natural History Museum.

8. Upcoming titles

Essen 2000 second edition: a shareware scenery for the German Rhine-Ruhr area. It smoothely
integrates new objects and detailed mountains into FS2000.

Reiffer Bros.
Reiffer Flight Simulator Section: http://www.reiffer.de/flightsim/
E-mail: support@reiffer.de