
This is a little description on the aircraft i've painted. Limp Bizkit Virtual Citation X is my first project of painting FS2000 aircraft. I've never tried this before. The reason i chose Limp Bizkit is that i've notice they always goes on tour just like other great musicians. Therefore I've decided to paint a virtual aircraft specially dedicated for all LB fans.

PLEASE take not that this aircraft has nothing to do with the real Limp Bizkit. It's NOT their real aircraft. I don't want to mess up with any kind of copyright problem. If i'm violating any copyright rules, please let me know ASAP. I'm doing this just for fun and i'm not getting any profit from this project. Therefore I hope everybody is OK with my project on painting this LB aircraft.

If this aircraft manage to be a hit, i'll start painting other aircraft. Right now i have a few artist in my list. Be sure to check it out. I'll try to paint the Backstreet Boys Virtual Aircraft, Blink 182 Virtual aircaft and Savage Garden Virtual Jet.

Before i end, i would like to stress that this is my first try on paining aircraft. Therefore maybe it is not perfect. So please respect my work. DO NOT use this aircraft for any kind of profitable activity or any Virtual Airline. I would like this aircraft to remain FREE.

Thank you!

Azuan A Zahdi
"Proud To Be A Malaysian"


Neuron Air VA - http://neuronair.tripod.com