
Combat Flight Simulator Only

Imperial Japanese Army Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate Fighter.


Ki-84 was an Imperial Japanese Army Fighter developed from KI-43 Hayabusa and KI-44 Shoki, but with performances as the american P-51 Mustang. Allied Code-Name "Frank".

Created by:Bruno Duffort & Patrick Didier for CFS2
Adapted to CFS and repainted by: Edmundo abad
Panel is a modified version of Doc Blake’s panel using default CFS gauges by Gary Aumaugher and Mike Colclough
Converted to CFS with new panel and repainted in three textures as:
-29th Sentai.
-73th Sentai.
-Unknown unity, individual number #24.


Installation CFS

1. Unzip to Temporaly directory "Ki84.zip".

2. Copy "Ki84" folder to X:\CFS\aircraft directry.

Edmundo Abad, 04/2010
Santiago- Chile