
Combat Flight Simulator 1

Imperial Japanese Army Nakajima Ki-43-I Hayabusa Fighter.


Ki-43-I is Imperial Japanese Army Fighter.Allied Code-Name "Oscar".

Original for FS98 by:'flyman' Yusaku Honma.
Adapted to CFS with panel, damage profile, air file and repainted by: Edmundo Abad
Panel is a modified version of Doc Blake’s panel using default CFS gauges by Gary Aumaugher and Mike Colclough
Converted to CFS with new panel and repainted in two textures as:

Nakajima KI43-I Oscar - 11th Sentai. (1941)
Nakajima KI43-I Oscar flown by T.Kato. ( 1942).

The Ki-43 was designed by Hideo Itokawa as a successor to the popular Nakajima Ki-27.

The initial production version was given the designation Ki-43-I. Deliveries from Nakajima's Ota factory commenced in April 1941. In addition to outstanding maneuverability, the Ki-43-I had a very impressive rate of climb due to its light weight. Power was provided by the Nakajima Ha-25 engine turning a two bladed, two-pitch metal propeller.

Top speed was 495 km/h (308 mph) at 4,000 m (13,160 ft).
The Ki-43 was equipped with two cowling machine guns in various configurations, with either two 7.7 mm (.303 in) Type 97 machine guns, one 12.7 mm (.50 in) Ho-103 machine gun (machine cannon) and one 7.7 mm (.303 in) gun, or two 12.7 mm (.50 in) Ho-103 guns.
The configuration that appears to have been most prevalent at the outset of the war was the latter configuration with two 12.7 mm (.50 in) Ho-103 machine guns, sometimes given the official designation Ki-43-I (Mark Ic).
The Ho-103 was often loaded with explosive ammunition to increase target effect; its penetrative effect against later Allied aircraft armor appears to have been marginal

Length: 8.83 m
Wing span: 11.437 m
Weight: 1,580 kg
Power: 950 hp

Installation CFS

1. Unzip to Temporaly directry "Ki43-I.zip".

2. Copy "Ki43-I" folder to X:\CFS\aircraft directry.

Edmundo Abad, 12/2009
Santiago- Chile