Kanawha River Valley KCRW is located on the western half of West Virginia.

The white capped Gauley and New rivers merge at Kanawha Falls to fill this river valley that ends some 90 mile into the Ohio River. Transits crossing the Allegheny will follow this valley seeing some of these landmark bridges and dams of the central WV area. The river flows past our state capitlol at Charleston. That model is not completed, yet. It will blend with this and the FS9 defaults when I get it finished.

One can now see the tops of the surrounding ridges from KCRW runway now. My own afcad is not included for KCRW because there are several available by other people, available for download at AVSIM. I believe the bgl files in the project scenery folder are self-explainable as I named them. These can be individually removed as newer projects are made to blend with this and the FS9 defaults.

This scenery is made to blend with autogen scenery and the defaults of FS9. The Elk River has an attempt in correcting the elevations using a localized method of AN16 "mesh warping." This method is not a remesh but rather similar to a "flatten" when leveling an Afcad runway, only for example.

-- Please remove Winfield scenery if you have the Winfield* Dam KCRW scenery installed.

*That scenery has a custom made bridge that was brought forward from FS8 a couple years ago. It's no longer used. I've merged elements of that scenery with this project. A new Winfield Dam is modelled now that better represents the large chamber that has been completed in the real world. The bridge now used is a FS9 default.

-- The effects for the ripples of the Marmet Dam is optionally viewed if you copy the effects and textures to the main effects folder. This is the only effect used with this project becuase VFR scenery of all the bridges and dams was my main concern. Not to mention trying to "fix" the Elk River along KCRW.

-- I intend finishing the downtown Charleston scenery project that corrects many streets and the bridges along the Elk River. These two projects will blend with each other and the defaults of FS9.

Simply unzip and put in your addon scenery folder as you normally would for manual install. Start-up FS9 and goto the settings scenery addon page. Then, add scenery name "Kanawhariver_KCRW" from where you placed its' folder. And, restart FS9 for it to recognize it.

Copy the two effects folder fx files to the FS9 main effects folder. These effects are for the dam roller spray.

To un-install, repeat, going to scenery addon page and choose delete scenery (Kanawhariver_KCRW.) Then mouse-over and confirm deletion. FS9 will un-do it next time it is started.

Thanks for your patience,
Rick Connolly