kz-2 sport.aircraft made for ms.flsim. 2004 bye Tommy Petersen

aircraft with woking suspension, roteting wheels doors and engine doors there can open incl.vituel coopit

Skandinaisk Aero Industri KZ-2-SPORT made by Kramme & Zeuten first flown o 10 october 1938. 16 were bildt including 4 for royal danish navy. Only 1 is remaining and it is belonging to Danmarks Tekniske Museum and its loan aut to danich veteran museum at Stavning Airport not longer flyable
manufacturer=Kramme & Zeuthen


unzip flyet .zip ud to 2004/aircraft folderen.
unzip gauges filerne to 2004/gauges.

how to open engine doors:
if you don¨t alredy have defined a butten to WINGFOLD. this is a exsampel how to do that. In FLSIM those OPTIONS then CONTROLS and then ASSIGNMENTS.
in ASSIGNMENTS those GENERAL AIRCRAFT COMMANDS. skrol down to you see WING FOLD/UNFOLD dobbelt klik on it and those a butten.
I use RIGHT CRTL+ NUM 1. It is one of the few avelibel buttens

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This aircraft is released as Freeware.
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*** This package may not be uploaded to other sites or changed in any way
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The use of this aircraft is at your own risk, the author can
not be held responsable.

Tommy Petersen