Project AI installer is a standalone MS-Windows application wich will install PAI package on your computer. More than just an installer it also has the capability to maintain your configuration files up-to-date. It is able to make some check and try to repair corrupted configuration files as well.

To install PAI packages, you will need to install this PAI-Installer on your computer as a first step.

The PAI packages are available in a zipped format in the official download page. A package contains all the aircrafts descriptions, the textures, the schedule and eventually some AFCAD files. The file extension wich identify a package will always be .PAI


1. Unzip the package you just downloaded in the folder of your choice.
2. Start the Installer program.
3. If you have unzipped the package in the Installer folder and it is the only one .PAI file in the directory the install process will start automatically.
Otherwise the file selector will show up for you to locate the .PAI file(s).
4. Follow the installer instructions.


You can download all the packages you want to install and unzip them in the directory of your choice. When you start the installer you will be able to select more than one package using the CTRL or SHIFT key as usual.

The installer will then process all the packages one after the other with the advantage to call TTOOLS for decompiling only once at the beginning and compiling the whole update at the end of the install process. This will speed up the install process if you want to install more than one package.


The installer supports 3 different processing modes :

- Automatic mode : Aircrafts and Schedule will be installed. Previously installed textures for that airline will be overwritten. Previous flights plans for these aircrafts will be replaced.

- Custom mode : You can choose the install options and the process to be executed.

- Manual mode : Aircrafts and schedules will be saved into the folder of your choice. Aircrafts and schedule will not be installed.


If you use the automatic mode all the options are turned on except the 'Start with empty flightplans database'.

Options description :

1 Install aircraft(s)
This is a mandatory option, the aircraft(s) will always be processed by the installer.

2 Overwrite existing textures
Checked (default) : Will overwritten existing textures
Unchecked : You will be prompted to overwrite existing textures

3 Check 'Aircraft.cfg' file
Checked (default) : The file will be checked for errors in 'fltsim' sequence and fixed if necessary.
Unchecked : No control of the Aircraft.cfg file

4 Update Flight Dynamic :
Checked (default) : The FDE and related files (.AIR and .MDL) will be updated with the latest version. WARNING : All the custom settings in the Aircraft.cfg will be lost !
On the top of the Aircraft.cfg file a new section will be added: [Project AI], never delete or edit this section; it is needed by the installer to know what to do.
Unchecked : No update will be done

5 Install flightplans
Checked (default) : The flightplans (schedule) will be installed
Unchecked : The schedule will not be installed

6 Update flightplans for pre-existing aircrafts
Checked (default) : All the entries in the existing flightplans database wich match the installed aircraft(s) will be removed and replaced by the new schedule.
Unchecked : The new schedule will be added to the flightplans database without any controls (WARNING : This may add duplicates to your database).

7 Start with empty flightplans database :
Checked : An empty database will be created before installing the new schedule. WARNING : all previous flightplans will be lost !
Unchecked (default) : Your current flightplans database will be used as a reference.


The installer will create a sub-directory into your FS2002 main folder named 'Project AI'. During the installation process a sub-directory named 'PAI_Install' will be created into the Project AI folder. All the files in that folder except TTOOLS will be removed at the end of the installation


1 May I run the same package more than once ?
Yes, if you use the automatic mode no problem will occur. If you turn off the 'Update schedule' option, you may create duplicates plans in your flightplans database.

2 Will my own TTOOLS version interfere with the installer ?
No, the installer will use its own TTOOLS folder during the install process. You don't need to get rid of your own tools.

3 I want to get rid of all the default FS2002 AI traffic, how can I do this ?
I want to reinstall the default FS2002 AI traffic, how can I do this ?
Four special package are available in the official download page.
- Remove the General Aviation default traffic
- Remove the Commercial default traffic
- Install the General Aviation default traffic
- Install the Commercial default traffic

Install the package like any other PAI package. Use either the automatic mode or the custom mode making sure the 'update schedule' is checked.

4 I want to uninstall a PAI airline, how can I do this ?
Actually there is NO uninstall tool available. You have to do this manually.
An uninstall utility will be provided as soon as possible, probably during the first quarter 2003.

5 Previously there was a base installer, where can I find it ?
The base installer is no more needed. Each PAI package has all the informations needed to install a new aircraft type into your FS2002 aircraft folder.