Knoxville, Tennessee - McGhee-Tyson Airport (KTYS) - Installation instructions.

If you have the LAGO FSE program:

Copy the "3B9ACB0C_opa_knoxville.SE2" file which is in the LAGO folder to your Lago/FSE/DATA folder.

If you DO have the RWY12 Program installed:

Just verify that you have the Jetways library by Shehryar Ansari installed.

If you do NOT Have RWY12 Program or libraries installed:

Copy the jetwaywh.bgl which is found in the unzipped Static Objects Library/Scenery folder.
Paste it into the Scenery subfolder of your "Knoxville, Tennessee by Opa" folder.

Copy the ten .bmp files that are in the Texture subfolder.
Paste them into the Texture subfolder of your "Knoxville, Tennessee by Opa" folder.

Copy and paste the entire "Knoxville, Tennessee by Opa" folder into your Addon Scenery folder.

Check to see if you have an existing AFCAD for KTYS - If you do, it must be removed so there will be no conflict with the one that is included in this package. (It is in the scenery subfolder and should remain there).

Start up FS2004. Activate this new Scenery entry in the normal manner. Exit FS2004 and restart.

Select Tennessee - Knoxville, McGhee-Tyson from your GoTo Airport menu and enjoy.

NOTE: I have included the RWY12 xml file if you wish to "tweak" the airport further. It is not required for this scenery to display properly.

NOTE: If you ever do install the RWY12 Program libraries and the jetways package, please remove the "jetwaywh.bgl" from your Knoxville Scenery. There is the potential for problems if there is more thaan one copy of any such library on your system.

This is Freeware - Let's keep it that way! This enhancement was tested on FS2004 - Windows XP home OS. I am not responsible for any real or perceived problems associated with using this program on your computer.

Credits: Seev Kahn and Israel Roth for the RWY12 program.
Shehryar Ansari for his excellent Jetways.
Lago for the FSE program

Questions or constructive comments may be directed to:

David Marshall