This airport does not exist.
This scenery does not exist.

AREA 51 -- Groom Lake Facility FS2004
By TJ Synkral

Please report any bugs (and only bugs, not requests, suggestions, etc.).

Freeware - Feel free to update and improve, but please include this full readme document.


1. Copy the Area 51 folder into your Addon Scenery folder under FS9.
2. Start FS9 and add the Area 51 folder to your scenery library.
3. Very important step: Open scenery.cfg under FS9 and add this to the Area 51 entry
(usually at the bottom):

Flatten.0=4455,N37 18,W115 52,N37 18,W115 44,N37 09,W115 44,N37 09,W115 52

If you do not do this there is a chance that there will be a hill in the middle of the
4. The airport is listed as Area 51, ID NV51.
Mercury VORTAC "MCY": 117.50
AFCAD radio did not work in testing, so FS2004 assigns a UNICOM. Anyone who knows how to
set up the control tower/ground radios, you're welcome to fix it.

Made from public domain satellite imagery and with AFCAD.