IL-62M for FS2004

This aircraft is used by Cubana de Aviación, the bigger and older airline of Cuba, which use them with outstanding results for more than 40 years. This model is a half work and it flight model is very accurate to the real one. This model have not a original panel or sounds but use the 747 panel and 737 sound of standard FS2004. The panel for this model is coming soon.

This proyect is complete but without panel, The panel for this model must be download on other link.

Instalation is simple, copy this folder to "Aircraft" folder of the Fs2004. This model must not work in FSX.

Before starting I strongly recomend that you check the documents in the folder "Reference" if it exist.

If a folder named "Effects" exists copy the file inside to "Effects" folder of the FS2004.

Don´t hesitate to contact me at
By Edgar Guinart ::: AeroProyecto :::