Wipe Gauges Version History

Version 1.0:

- Wipe Gauges Release.

Version 2.0:

- Log file of removed gauges.
- Log file of errors.
- List box of unused gauges.
- More message boxes.
- Cosmetic changes.
- Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.1:

- Corrects the infamous Run-time Error 5.
- Small size. Window image color reduced.

Version 2.2:

- Option of backup removed gauge files.
- Allow select gauges to remove.
- Added exit button.

Version 2.3:

- Selection of game path.
- Selection of backup folder.
- The choose either backup or no is saved.
- Scan and remove only GAU files.
- Fixed text in the dialog boxes.
- Added hourglass mouse pointer during operations.
- New interface.