AIBridge 1.0

This program implements a link between the aircraft information in a Multiplayer environment (like VATSIM) and AI information. Using this program is possible to have a TCAS made for AI planes working in multiplayer.


There is no install. Put AIBrige.exe anywhere. Make sure that your FSUIPC version is at least 2.87. Make sure that Aibridge and FS2002 are in the same machine.

1 - Start FS and a multiplayer session. The multiplayer host must be the FS2002.

2 - Start the AIBrige.exe program


If something goes wrong during the multiplayer session a pop message box will appear with the info and the program will quit. During the session the program doesn't have a window, it's invisible.

Stopping the program:

Just close all the multiplayer sessions and the program should quit. A pop message will appear with "Multiplayer session closed. The program will now quit"


There are some problems regarding ground speed. This doesn't affect the use of the program.


The program was tested in VATSIM with DF734, PSS A32x, FSflightmax with and without WideFS installed.

Thanks to Peter Dowson for updating FSUIPC and making this program possible. Any doubts, questions, suggestions should be directed to AIBridge it's a freeware product and is partly based on a sample included in the Directx 7 SDK provided by Microsoft. This product is distributed "as is" and the author is not responsible by any problems that may arise from its use.

Thanks for trying this program.

José Oliveira