When you unzip H-41_Seneca.zip make sure you check "use folder names". Open it up in your \fs2000\aircraft folder.

You'll need to copy the contents of the H-41_Seneca\gauges folder into the fs2000\gauges folder. Used Chuck Dome's mkpink11
to light the gauges so if existing gauges in your gauge file aren't lit copy these over them.

Army 54244 is stored in storage at the U.S. Army Aviation Museum, Ft. Rucker, AL, USA after many years of outside display
(the most unique collection of helicopters and v/stol aircraft in the world). Check them out at http://www.armyavnmuseum.org/.

Mike Crosthwaite for his fantastic SDLEdit program to put pitch in the Seneca's blades.

Chuck Dome for make pink lighted insturments.

The U.S. Army Aviation museum for allowing me to photograph their collection in storage.

David Eckert for the pilot and for showing me how to build landing lights.

All of the gauges are various freeware from different aircraft (especially dfd_ukrmi.gau and stickhand.gau).

