Origins & Kudus

Hughes H-1, "The World's Fastest Airplane" - The FSDS aircraft model and the panel are the original work of Dave Carroll. I put the instrument panels together using CFG Edit. The gauges are FS2000 (Professional Edition) default except for the Sperry MK III by Bill Rambow and Arne Bartels. Their released files are in the panel.h1.M3 gauges directory. The sound set is by Mike Hambly, Sound Designer (Blue Arrow). His readme is included in the sound directory.

This is the third release of this aircraft package. Improvements include:

1. All released updates.
2. New, more rounded wing leading edge.
3.16 Bit textures
4. Improved static position.

The information used to develop this model came from a visit to the NASM, including several hours studying the H-1 and Paul MattÂ’s American Heritage CD ROM Archive 3 which included beautifully detailed 3-views and photographs of the H-1. I augmented this data with newspaper stories, internet and library searches and my own photographs. The New York Times article of January 20, 1937 (then selling for $0.02/copy) was of great interest for technical detail and literary style.


File H1BDC03 is a complete replacement for H1BDC0*; If you have a previous release of this aircraft, delete or move the old H-1B directory to a temporary location for backup purposes, otherwise, these files will overwrite most existing H1B files but leave redundant texture files.

Then proceed as below:

Insert the H-1B directory and all sub directories in the FS2000 "Aircraft" directory. Read the instructions for the Sperry MK III in the gauges sub-directory and copy the required gauge files to the FS2000 Gauges directory. Copy the files in the Pilots directory to the FS2000\Pilots directory. For further information on this historic aircraft and the model, see the PDF document, "The World's Fastest Airplane"

Flight information is provided in the check lists and notes for the aircraft.


This package is freeware but authors still hold the copyright.

No repack or rework of any kind will be permitted for this historic "one of a kind" aircraft. Uploads to any other site will be considered only if the package is kept intact in its entirety.


Dave Carroll