Resistance National memorial - Plateau des Glières - Haute-Savoie - France

---------------------- Version FS2004 -------------------

Thank you for downloading this add-on.

For a perfect integration of this monument within FS2004, we highly recommend the use of Alpes Nord pack and
the latest version of Nextmesh France - FS9, both by France VFR


Unzip the archive in a temporary directory and copy all folders to:

x:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Addon Scenery

Launch FS2004 and declare the scene within the scenery library.

The monument is approximately 11 miles from Annecy-Meythet (LFLP) airport, heading 77 from rumway 04.

Happy flying

Alain ROBERT aka Alro

© - Alro Creation - Juin 2011