FS2004/FS.X Great Lakes BG-1

This project displays and flies equally well in FS2004 and FS.X. The BG-1 was the first US Navy plane designed to carry a 1000 pound bomb. It became operational in 1934 and served in various capacities until 1940. This particular model was assigned to VB-4 aboard the USS Ranger (CV-4). It has the usual animation plus a operating tail hook and retracting machine gun. This is a large file by comparision to my other projects; it is because I spent considerable time to create one folder that would work equally well in both FS2004 and FS.X. It does do that but the penalty is there is a lot of extra stuff for FS.X which really isn't needed for FS2004. Please see the installation instructions below.
Many thanks to Mick Morrissey for providing sufficient reference material so I could proceed with this project. I love these vintage aircraft, particularly the early Navy models, but it is a constant battle to find accurate reference material for them.
I could not find any documentation of the cockpit or panel so I used material from the Vought SBU-1 which is a similar aircraft. The VC has animated flight controls and operating instruments.

INSTALLATION: Unzip GLBG-1.zip into a temporary folder.

FS2004 Install: Copy the folder Great Lakes BG-1 into the Aircraft folder of FS2004. You don't need the contents of the gauge folder if you have copied the Lockheed_Vega.cab file from the Vega panel folder into the gauges file of FS2004. That's it, the plane will show in the Aircraft selection list as BG-1 under manufacturer Great Lakes. The sound file is the default Lockheed Vega sound which you may replace by aliasing a radial sound file of your chioce.

FS.X Install: Copy the folder Great Lakes BG-1 into the Airplane folder of FS.X (Remember, it is in the Simobjects folder). Open the gauges folder and copy the two gauge files into the Gauges folder of FS.X. Copy them as is, DON"T open them! Again, the sound is the default Lockheed Vega sound which you might want to change by aliasing to another FS.X compatible sound. Personally, I like the FS.X Beaver sound a tad better. I included a thumbnail in the texture file so it should show with a picture as Great Lakes BG-1 in the aircraft selection list.

Enjoy! Paul Clawson

Email: p.pandj@verizon.net