Fs98 Yak-52 HA-JAO Hungary
Yak-52: Single prop two seats aerobatic plane with retracting gear and flaps.

The panel includes a minimal startup/shutdown simulation.
This is simple, because the realistic startup procedure is long.
(Accu., gen., instr.on, fuel inj., carb.down, magn.: 1 2 1-2, 1/4 thr.
and start button).


1.: master, 2.: lowvolt, 3-4.: start/stop, G.: gen.

Flap full: single green indicator, gear: two green lites

Please see the special sound folder's exact location for start/stop sounds.


FS -> Aircraft/Yak-52H

FS -> Aircraft/sound/Su26mov/eg.wav stop.wav (*)

Fs -> Gauges/***.gau

Have A Good Landing

Tibor Kokai and Gyorgy Csillag

Hungary 2001