FS2002 Aircraft

Firefox MiG 31 from the movie of the same name.

Based on the aircraft used in the movie this FS2002 aircraft has moving parts,
panel and textures all based on watching the movie and various photo's.

I cannot guarantee any of the dimensions or performance of this aircraft as it
never existed, only in the movie. It is also the first aircraft I have ever
built for Flight Simulator.

If anybody thinks they can improve on it then please do so, just let me have a
copy! The Design Studio FSC file is available on request, just drop me an email.

This file is freeware. You can't make any money from it.
May not be used for COMMERCIAL PURPOSES without prior permission of the author.
You can distribute Repainted File only as freeware without my permission
and you can include this file in any freeware scenery. ( Give me only credit)
Auther has no responsibility on any damage which might be caused by
installation of the files.

Copyright(C)2002 Richard Hulme