FSX/FS2004 panel features for the Fairey Firefly from A.F.Scrub. My features provides an original Firefly Flightstick, a VC navigators seat with map and gauges and wingmen at the left and right side. My panel features works in a different way in FSX and also in FS2004 with only one Panel.cfg.
Keep the original Panel. Copy, paste and overwrite my Panel into your preinstalled Fairey Firefly.

FSX only: Copy the cameras from the file "Cameras_Lights_Smoke" somewhere into your aircraft.cfg.
Also the Light- and Smoke-system. Delete the original entries.

FS2004 only: Copy the Light- and Smoke-systemfrom the file "Cameras_Lights_Smoke" somewhere into your aircraft.cfg. Delete the original entries and also the FSX-smoke entries.

Attention FS2004 users: There are FSX-versions from Scrubs Firefly in the net. They are not correctly displayed in FS2004, so please use the FS2004 version.
Toggle with the S-key to the aircraft views, then toggle with the A-key and read the instructions in the upper right corner.
Toggle with the S-key to the aircraft views, then toggle with the A-key and read the instructions in the upper right corner.

Use the numpad, choose the Forward UP- (5&8), Forward Left (5&4) and Forward Right (5&6) view. (key 5 has a shift function)
Many thanks to A.F.Scrub for his great aircrafts.
All the weapon effects are from unknown authors. I cant't find out from whom they are.
Many thanks to all of the creative persons, who do such a great work like creating gauges, effects, sounds and other stuff.


More Files with my work at SurClaro: (Searchkey: WELKER)

Any comments to: er_welker@web.de

Happy landings

Erwin Welker

6. December 2012