AI Traffic Manager (0.91 BETA)
By Jürg Aerni, Switzerland

Why an AI Traffic Manager?
Since the release of the program ‘TCompiler.exe’ and ‘TDecompiler.exe’ (by Lee Swordy) we can create our own traffic on FS 2002. But direct edit the ASCII-File is not that userfrindly an a lot of userdefined flight will not work.
So I decided to make a program that allows to manage flightplans an more.

What you need to use AI Traffic Manager?
You must have is MS ACCESS 2000. The whole solution was made with this program and it can’t used without them.

What can you do with?
- You can import all the TXT Files that was created with the TDecompiler.exe.
- You can change Aircraft for selected flightplans
- You can change multiselected Aircraft for all flightplans, for one continent, one country or airport.
- You can ADD or Modify a flightplan. It will show you the distance between the to airports, and the duration of the flights depends the select aircraft and speed.
- You can create a calculated flightplan for your airport. It will show you all flights including the intervals on UTC or selected local time.
- You can Add very easy new aircraft to your traffic. You have to define the path to your FS2002. After this AI Traffic Manager will show you all installed aircrafts and you can select which one you want.