Air Tractor 802-F Fire tanker for FS 2004

The AT-802 series is the world's largest single engine aircraft, and its popularity reflects the industry's trend to larger high-production turbine equipment. Whether it's used for fertilizing forests, spraying huge cotton fields, or spraying dispersant on oil spills, this plane has the productivity and performance to get big jobs done efficiently.

Reflecting state-of-the-art technology in computerized fire gate controls, the AT-802F is an ideal initial attack fire fighter with the ability to get to fires quickly and the maneuverability to put them out accurately and efficiently. The reliability of the turbine engine, low maintenance and operating costs, ruggedness and safety features make it an excellent choice for fire fighting.

This Flightsim Aircraft features Dynamic shine, reflective textures, full moving parts, custom 2D panel, working VC and a repaint kit.

Aircraft, textures & panel by Brian Gladden, Flight Dynamics by Lizardo