Fairey Delta (F.D.2)

he FD.2 was a world-beater, taking the Absolute World Air Speed record in 1956.\nLater, in the 1960s, as BAC was developing Concorde, one of the FD.2 aircraft was converted to an ogee delta wing under ER.193D. This provided valuable data for the Concorde programme.

The pilot model and texture are from CFS3 Ju88 Source File
downloaded from www.Simviation.com filename Pilot_fig.ZIP

Software used:

Gmax 1.2
Aircraft Container Manager
Paint Shop Pro 5

Installation and usage:

Unzip the files into a temp folder.

Cut and paste the "Effects" "Gauges" "Flights" Folders with subfolders into your main FS9 Directory.

Cut and paste "FaireyDelta" folder with the subfolders into your FS2004 \aircraft folder.

Flight Notes

Preflight: Flaps down 1 Notch, Nose Down (you will need to configure keys for this i use 'Shift F8 = Extend Concorde nose & visor fully, Shift F5 = Retract Concorde nose & visor fully" You can configure this by going into "Options, Controls, Assignments"

Takeoff: Full throttle, Rotate at around 220 KIAS.

Landing: Landing speed is about 150 KIAS fully flapped, when your on the ground open the Airbrakes and apply wheel brakes.


Sounds: Massimo Altieri
Panel: Marco Spada, Gianfranco Michele
Afterburner Effects & Gauges: By Jan Rosenberg, Rob Barendregt

Conditions of Use:

This package is freeware.
This software may be freely used, copied and distributed with the following restrictions:
This document must be included in any redistribution.
DO NOT place these files anywhere that requires a fee for downloading.
DO NOT place any of these files in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent.
They cannot be used in any payware/shareware w/out permission from the authors.

Craig Richardson


Comments welcome.