Before proceeding, please back up your existing Grizzly_Armed_FS9 and Grizzly_Unarmed_FS9 aircraft folders. Although these mods have been tested, one can never be absolutely certain problems will not crop up!

1. Open the folder "Grizzly_Armed_FS9_MOD". Copy and paste the MODEL folder into your Grizzly_Armed_FS9 main aircraft folder. When prompted, overwrite/replace existing files.

2. Repeat the above steps for "Grizzly_Unarmed_FS9_MOD", but pasting its contents into your Grizzly_Unarmed_FS9 main aircraft folder.

Upon restarting the sim, the rear interior of the afterburner will now display the structural beams that hold the assembly together. These items were missing from the original, and made it appear that the burner interior was suspended in space, when viewed from behind.

Brian Sturton
June 10, 2007