Junkers Ju-52/3m

Type: Junkers Ju-52/3m
Power: 3 x 660 hp BMW 132A Radial
Wingspan: 29,25 m
Length: 18,90 m
Height: 6,10 m
Wing Area: 110,50 m^2
Weight Empty: 6'500 kg
MTOW: 12'030 kg
Aircrew 4
Passengers 14
Fuel capacity: 2'475 l
Fuel consumption: 450 l/h
Take off speed: ap. 120 km/h
Cruise speed: ap. 190 km/h
Top speed: 240 km/h
Stall speeds: Flaps up 120 km/h
Flaps down 100 km/h
Range: ap. 1'000 km; ap. 5 h
Take off run: ap. 500 m
Landing run: ap. 350 m
Ceiling: 5'500 m (ap. 18'000 ft)
Initial climb: 208 m (680 ft) p.min
Flap limit speeds: 10 deg....150 km/h
25 deg....140 km/h
40 deg....120 km/h
Approach: 170 km/h
Flaps: 140 km/h
Base: 140 km/h
Final: 120 km/h
Flare: 110-120 km/h
Touchdown: 100-110 km/h
Brakes: hold 100%, stick back

Takeoff and landing into wind wherever possible
(use grass fields ok). The aircraft is relatively
low-powered and has a correspondingly narrow flight
envelope. Care should be taken when manouevering.
Power should be applied in turns. Watch your airspeed
during approaches, especially with flaps deployed.

Version 5.0 FS2002 Designer: Pierino Primavesi, Mai 2003
Updates: http:\\www.ju52-3m.ch