Here it is! Yes it's Chimoio Airport.
Located in west Mozambique, Chimoio Airport is used for local flights.
The default FSX FQCH scenery has not been provided with any kind of tarmac or navigation facilities.
so i decided creating them myself.
I've included the main building, the fire truck station, taxiways, runway approach lights & a VOR,
in addition to some more objects to make the airport look as close as possible to the real one.
This scenery was made for FSX only. Enjoy :)


Just copy the two files "AFX_FQCH.bgl" "FQCH_ADEX_ADE.BGL" & drop them in FSX "Addon Scenery" "Scenery"

This is it..

Enjoy the scenery!

By: Hassan Ezzeddine