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The following gauges are created by the FPDA
The Freeware Panels Design Association


Gauge programming: Andreas Jaros (jaros@bigfoot.com) and Hiroyuki Toyohara (pjamtoyo@geocities.co.jp)
Bitmap design and idea: Aaron Pederson (pedera@rconnect.com)

Copyright Notice:
The work used here is Copyrighted material. The files may not be altered
in any way. If you want to do so you need our written compliance.
These gauges are, and will remain FREEWARE.
ANY commercial use is forbidden.Please do not ask for permission - it will not be granted.
ANY use in freeware works must include this file which must not be modified.
Full credits must be given for use of these gauges in any additional documents which might be available with the freeware work.

The use of these files will not harm your computer in any way. Nevertheless we cannot
guarantee the functionality in all cases. The gauges were tested with
our panels, without problems.

If you have any comments or suggestions , feel free to e-mail us.