FS2002 Scenery. 13 airports of Switzerland.
This scenery add 3 forgotten airports in West of Switzerland :
Gruyere (LSGT), Yverdon (LSGY) and Bex (LSGB). It contains also
10 other airports : Geneva-Cointrin (LSGG), Lausanne (LSGL),
Sion (LSGS), Ecuvillens (LSGE), Neuchatel (LSGN), Les Eplatures
(LSGC), Thoune (LSZW), Birrfeld (LSZF), Wangen-Lachen (LSPV) and
Altenrhein (LSZR). Features seasonal textures and night effects
where existing. By Daniel Gauthier. (File 2 of 3)