Flight crew on board & dynamic weather

I can't hear any adventure sound
* Be sure that you set at the flight simulator menu:
options/settings/sounds the [Lesson/Flight] on high

* If you are using an older version:
Starting the adventure during a flight, earlier
versions could have problems to detect the flight
situation and as a result it does not play any of these
announcement that you expect for landing or during the flight.
That is solved since version 4.3. Please download the latest version.

I've just downloaded DWSsetup.zip and extracted DWSsetup.exe. But
executing this file on my Windows XP machine it says 'Can't run 16-bit Windows
program' error.
* I tested the setup file on my machine and it worked fine. For some
reason it appear few people had a problem to run the setup.exe. Download the
latest version of the adventure and hopefully the setup runs

Why is ACT always disabled when I start your adventure?
* Microsoft disable ACT for every adventure (not only mine) you are loading on
your flight simulator. I wasn't able to work around that problem but I try to
include more and more ACT functionality into my adventure.

Playing the adventure a while it suddenly stops and shuts down.
* This is on purpose because you are using the shareware version.
The full version wont do that.

I'm trying to activate the adventure from the flight simulator application but
it stops right in the beginning with the error message "Adventure corrupted".
* There is an older version of "FSUIPC.DLL" that came with another
application you installed previously on your flight simulator. To make my adventure
functional, uninstall my adventure, go into the modules directory and delete the FSUIPC.DLL
file. Afterward reinstall my adventure (the new version of FSUIPC.DLL will be installed) and
it should run.

I installed the adventure - now what? Does it load automatically with FS2002 or is there
something else I need to do?
* After the installation start the flight simulator and you will find the adventure
in the the menu flights/select flight/... and choose from "1. choose a category" the option
"Flight Simulator 2000 adventures". In the second Menu"2. Choose a flight" should appear the
"Crew on board & dynamic weather" adventure. Click on it and press OK.