***Use word wrap***

*** FS2004/FS2002 Panel for the Fairchild 24W-2 ***

This panel was made for William Ortis's Fairchild 24W (f24r2.zip). I've put in an autopilot and you can adjust the heading with the Magnetic Compass knob at the top of the panel.


UnZip this file to a temporary folder and put the gauges (*.gau) including the F24_Nnumber.cab into your Flight Sim GAUGES subdirectory. Backup or delete the old panel folder then the new panel folder should be placed into your Fairchild 24R2 folder or what ever you renamed it.

FS2002 Users:
If you are using FS2002 you will need to replace the panel.cfg supplied by cutting and pasting the panel.cfg in the "FS2002 Panel" folder to the new panel folder and overwrite the existing panel.cfg. Now you have an FS2002 panel installed.

Once all the gauges and panels are installed your ready to go flying.

A word of thanks to:

For William Ortis's Fairchild 24W (f24r2.zip)

Microsoft for their fine gauges from CFS1 and 2.

Arne Bartels for his wonderful xmlgau01.zip, without it I couldn't have done the gauges.

The mixture, carb air and throttle gauges are drawn by J.L.Stubbs and custom programmed by Brian Kostick

This is a FREEWARE the panel and the *.cab file included have been created by me. Any freeware gauge files included with this panel are the properties of their respective authors and as such fall under whatever guidelines they may reserve. You may re-distribute or re-upload it to other net locations but you may NOT use it for any commercial-purpose WITHOUT all the author's explicit, written PERMISSION in advance. Any infringements WILL result in a complaint for violation of copyright.

Hope you enjoy the panel.
Eliezer Rice erice264@yahoo.com
ý23ý ýJuneý,ýý ý2004