SCENERY NAME---> Exercise Alula
TYPE----> Freeware FSX Mission
VERSION----> 1.1
CREATED BY-> Rob Opray


-> Requirements
-> About this scenery
-> Installation
-> Playing this scenery
-> Known Bugs & Issues
-> Version History
-> Incompatibilities & warnings
-> Credits & Usage

Microsoft Flight Simulator Acceleration, with latest Service Packs
MCDMil object package
FSX Weapons Pack by Chris Sykes
Various aircraft (see installation blw)

This FSX Mission is something different and hopefully fun. It will need additional files as explained in this readme file.

Simply put you are participating in a simulated USN/USMC mission against a small fictional island. FA18, EA6B, AV8B, AH1, CH53E and MV22 aircraft have all been hand flown and recorded and will playback together to create a timed mission execution and you can choose to participate as wingman in any of these roles!!

It actually contains 2 missions, a predawn recon insertion and then a dawn strike and insertion. Aircraft start on the ships and depart, execute and recover all in a realistic manner, so get it started and hopefully enjoy the ride!!

It was to have additional missions added including beach assaults and recovery of forces back to the ship but this file only includes the first two missions.

It can be flown offline or online in any various roles, flown on your own, or with as many other people who you can get. This particular mission's main effort needs only 4 people to fill all positions to section strength.

The mission has prerecorded Lead elements for each role, so even if you play it alone you will have at least the Lead aircraft of each element conducting its role in the mission with you.

The pilot simply starts the FSX Mission, selects their aircraft, moves their aircraft to the relevant start location, and then when ready in synchronisation with any other players who want to also participate, use the mission menu to select the relevent 'launch mission' option. Synchornizing this selection is critical so that all participants have everything moving at the same time and place.

Once the menu option is selected, the pilot will see all the prerecorded lead aircraft on deck and you will receive some simple instructions for your chosen flight to help keep you in the loop of the mission.

Many turns and altitude changes are uncalled and its best if your aware of prebriefed items, but you can also just follow along as wing for the ride if you feel like doing it easy.

I've tried to put important things in as text dialogs which an associated sound to get your attention, and this should give you enough to keep up visually.

Since the decks will be busy you'll need to move your aircraft to a good spot before launching the mission;

Night Insertion HMH: spot 8

Night Insertion HMLA: spot 4

Dawn Raid VMA: LHA spot 9 facing aft ready to lineup
Dawn Raid VMM: LHA as close to the island aft as possible on starboad side

Dawn Raid VMFA: CVN number 2 elevator

Dawn Raid VMAQ: CVN behind the cat 1 JBD ready to hook up

Locations of interest;
n22.05.6/w160.21.3 - LHA
N22.24.5/W160.40.7 - CVN
n22.00.3/w160.05.3 - Night Insertion LZ
N21.57.4/W160.05.0 - VMFA Target
N21.59.2/W160.15.6 - VMFA 10nm IP
N21.56.0/W160.09.0 - Dawn Raid LZ

Here are your orders;

The small fictional island nation of Alula, a peaceful tourism location under a moderate but corrupt government, has found uranium deposits and the corrupt corporations behind the scenes are undermining the government by striking a deal with a wealthy enemy nation to refine and deliver it to them.

They have quickly built facilities to this end but are now becoming hosts to that enemy nations military in a security contract which is really an invasion.

The nations president who is the popular figurehead has spoken out for the people and asked for UN assistance.... but has now disappeared. The UN has mandated military action to;

1. disable its nuclear facilities

2. remove the invasion forces.

Enemy forces//////
The enemy buildup has only just started and at this time consists of one military camp hosting a small mechanized infantry battlegroup, mobile AAA around the newly built international airport, mobile AAA around the city, a surveillance radar on the northern mountains. Reinforcements are expected at anytime.

Friendly forces//////
The 3rd MEF is now positioned off the coast. No local military capability exist which is friendly to us.

Concept of operations//////
Stage one will establish vUSMC forces on the island and destroy the enemies capacity to interfere with out operations.

Tasks to maneuver units//////

//////Night Insertion
HMH is to insert vMarines covertly.

HMLA is to escort HMH.

//////Dawn Raid
VMAQ is to conduct standoff jamming and C2.

VMFA is to strike the radar facility.

VMA is to escort VMM and then destroy bridges along MSR.

VMM is to insert vMarines at nuclear facility.

1. Edit fsx.cfg as described in ins1.jpg

2. Installed the scenery files and aircraft files required;
Since their is only 4 small scenery files, they can be placed directly into your FSX /Addon Scenery/Scenery/ folder.

You will need to have installed several aircraft for this mission to work, you can choose the author but remember the higher the complexity of the aircraft model the greater power it will require to fly a complex mission like this. Add an entry to the aircraft.cfg so that there is a title to match the following;

IL76 with an Aircraft Title of; IL76
FA18 with an Aircraft Title of; VMC_FA18
EA6B with an Aircraft Title of; VMC_EA6B
Av8B with an Aircraft Title of; VMC_AV8B
MV22 with an Aircraft Title of; VMC_MV22
AH1 with an Aircraft Title of; VMC_AH1
CH53E with an Aircraft Title of; VMC_CH53E

3. Enabled the FSX General Setting to 'Show Captions', as shown in ins2.jpg

4. Installed the Mission folder to your FSX/Mission/Military/ folder

1. In the FSX Mission page, select Category Military, then vUSMC 3MEF

2. When selecting to load the Mission find 'Enable changes in selected Mission (no rewards given)' tickbox and Tick it, as shown in ins3.jpg

8. Select your preferred aircraft as per normal.

9. Select your starting location for the LHA find the airport called NMFG and for the CVN find NJCS to start.

10. Slew your aircraft to the required starting location. If you use the airport menu to goto the CVN you will have to use slew to position at deck height.

11. Set radios, prepare FMS etc, and then coordinate with other pilots to all select your mission dialog menu option at the exact same time in the same way you'd synchronize watch's. Once you all select your menu option the mission is underway. If you pause after this point it will only pause your local computer and any other pilots who started in synchronization will have their missions still running unless you all also synchronize any pauses, so its best to keep it running just like real life!

12. Realisic fuel is enforced in the mission so make sure your fuel loads are sufficient and monitor fuel during the flight. Harriers should use 40% fuel since its a short flight and you will be recovering vertically onto the deck.

Does not work with earlier versions of MSFS.
Various normal FSX bugs like ship deck solidity issues.
EA6B has a minor stall at one point in Dawn Raid.
CH53E grazes ocean in Dawn Raid.

1.1 - public release
1.0 - initial 2011 release at vmarines.org

Always make sure that you backup any existing files before use.
This file should not cause any problems, but use at your own risk.

This package is freeware.
Content remains the property of the original authors listed in this file.
Do not include any files in a commercial product without permission.

Rob Opray
EMAIL: robert.opray@gmail.com