EZ-Landclass Version 2.00
Copyright © 2003 by Russel Dirks
August 2003

EZ-Landclass is a program that allows you to change the placement of landclass and waterclass textures in Microsoft Flight Simulator™ 2002 & 2004. You can use it to add small towns that MS left out, for instance, or to correct the type of vegetation or ground cover in a certain area.

EZ-Landclass is written as an Excel application. Therefore in order to run it you will need Microsoft Excel 97 or later. My apologies to those of you who do not have Excel. My main reason for writing it in Excel was that it drastically reduced the development time, which was important to me, considering I'm releasing this as freeware! If you do not have Excel but want to do some landclass scenery design, I would highly recommend a program by John Cillis called Landclass Assistant, available on SurClaro.com and other flightsim web sites. My program was in many ways inspired by Landclass Assistant

Simply unzip the program into a folder of your choice, and then copy FSConnect.DLL into your FS200x/MODULES folder. The first time you run the program, an .ini file will be created automatically.  

If you are installing version 2.0 over a previous version, be sure to delete the previous version first.

1. FSConnect.dll. This is an add-on module written by myself that allows programs to communicate with MSFS. It is included with this package, although as time passes you may find more recent versions available on SurClaro.com.

2. FS2000 Scenery Compiler Tools. These are a collection of programs that come with the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Scenery SDK, and are used by EZ-Landclass to produce scenery files. They are included in the EZ-Landclass installation package, so you normally won't need to take any action here. The specific programs that make up the tools collection are : Resample.exe, Tmfcompress.exe, and Tmf2bgl.exe. If for some reason you didn't get these programs, or they got erased, you can download them at Microsoft Flight Sim Archive section. Look for FS2000_Terrain_SDK.exe.

Either double-click on the file EZ-Landclass.xls file, or start MS Excel first, and use File/Open to open the file. Depending on your security settings, you may receive a warning message saying "The workbook you are opening contains macros." Be sure you enable macros. EZ-Landclass was scanned for viruses prior to distribution using the latest virus definitions available at that time. If you are still concerned, you can always scan the file yourself using your own anti-virus software.

For further instructions and tutorials, see the accompanying file Readme.htm.



- Added support for waterclass textures
- Now uses FSConnect to interface with MSFS rather then FSUIPC

MAY 2003, VERSION 1.01

This patch resolves the following two issues:

- Users of non-English versions of Excel were
experiencing error messages on program startup
and shutdown.

- EZ-Landclass was producing corrupted .bgl files
on computers that were configured to use the comma
as the decimal separator (locale settings in Control

MAY 16, 2003, VERSION 1.00

- Initial release

EZ-Landclass and associated documents and files are copyright © 2003 by Russel Dirks. EZ-Landclass is distributed as Freeware. You may copy and distribute this program at will, however you may not charge money for it. Any scenery you create using this program can only be distributed as FREEWARE, and must include mention of EZ-Landclass in the credits. Use this program at your own risk. The author accepts no liability for damage (real or imagined) caused to your computer while using this program.

If you have any comments, or are having problems with the program, you can email me at russdirks@yahoo.ca.