Europe/North Germany/Schleswig-Holstein
EDXO/St Peter-Ording
Author: Uwe Schweitzer
This is a realistic scenery of another small airport near the the bathing resorts in the holiday area Schleswig-Holstein.
St Peter-Ording is my favourite place at the westcoast with a wonderful beach: a nearly 8 km long sand bank (at low water-tide) Take your plane and start in the western direction.

Though most apis have been made myself by own pictures I have used some things of other authors
e.g. windturbines by Robert Waszkiewicz,
static airplanes (in stat.bgl, can be removed on slower pc`s) out of the piper collection of Philip Cook,
FLN-Islander by Peter White
Volksplane by Jerry Arzdorf,
all transformed by Trevor de Stigter M98toBGL,
cars by Arne Kintzel
the beachhouses and other buildings by Dan Geis
Thanks to everybody and also to an author I should have forgotten or even do not know.


You will use this scenery at your own risk. I will not be responsible for
any problems or damage on your system, which may occur after installing
this scenery. Please read the installation instructions before you start!


1. Create a folder ( i.e. "EDXO" )

2. In the folder from step 1 create 2 subfolders

- "scenery"

- "texture"

3. Extract the zipfile scenery to the "scenery" subfolder.
Extract the zipfile texture.zip to the "texture" subfolder.

4. Add the scenery via the scenery library in FS2000.

5. You will find the place by either going to the default airport
St Peter-Ording or EDXO.

Freeware Statement

This Scenery is Freeware. If you don't change the files in this archive,
you are allowed to give a copy to everyone you want. Without written
permission by the author it is not allowed to publish this archive on disk
or CD-ROM. Publishing this file in the www is only allowed, when
access is free of any charge!. In other words: don't make money with it!


These scenery is under my copyright except objects of the static scenery
where the copyright is by the original authors mentioned above.
These scenery is made with the commercial programs Adobe Photoshop,
Abacus FSDS and HSP/Schiratti SCC2000.

June 2004
